Monday, February 05, 2007

DoD Moves toward Procurement Competency

This GovExec article expresses interest in the Director of Defense Procurement's model to
help gauge the capabilities of its acquisition workforce and determine what areas need strengthening or realignment

The competency models are explained at the DPAP website. There should be a final compentency report early this year with the models to roll out Department-wide by June 2007. They will be used to assess the workforce, identify skill gaps and work to close those gaps.

Everyday, someone comes out with accusations about the poor job contracting has done, whether in Iraq or for some weapon system or another. The Defense contracting community has worked the hardest to put trained and effective professionals into the field. Its training scheme is now being used to train the rest of the contracting community as the Federal Acquisition Institute is now co-located with the Defense Acquisition University at Fort Belvoir, VA.

This competency model concept seems to me to be another tool to ensure we are as effective as we can be. Let's keep an open mind and be objective about it when it is announced.

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